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Wiener centennial

"The Legacy of Norbert Wiener: A Centennial Symposium" to be held October 8-14 will feature talks by scientists in the many fields that have felt the influence of Dr. Wiener's work. The event is in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Wiener, who was a professor of mathematics at MIT from 1919 to 1964. Topic areas, days and locations of talks are as follows.

Integration on Function Space and Potential Theory, Oct. 8, Rm 34-101.

Harmonic Analysis, Oct. 9, Rm 10-250.

Wiener-Hopf and Paley-Wiener Theory, Oct. 10, Rm 10-250.

Statistical Physics, Oct. 11, Rm 6-120.

Cybernetics, Oct. 11 (evening), Rm 6-120.

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Oct. 12, Rm 9-150.

Norbert Wiener at MIT, Oct. 12 (evening), Rm 34-101. Featuring talks by MIT Professors Emeritus Walter Rosenblith and Jerry Lettvin, and Professor Amar Bose.

Financial Economics, Oct. 13, Kresge Auditorium.

Biology, Oct. 14, Rm 9-150.

The symposium will also include banquets at the Royal East Restaurant in Cambridge on Oct. 9 ($20) and at the Museum of Science on Oct. 13 ($30). There is no registration fee for the symposium, but banquet tickets must be purchased in advance by contacting Susan Worton, Rm 2-173, x3-2685, . For further program information, contact Professor David Jerison, Rm 2-180, x3-2685.

A version of this article appeared in the October 5, 1994 issue of MIT Tech Talk (Volume 39, Number 7).

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